Soleil Tans Sun Spa

Why become a member?

Members Benefits:

  • Club memberships valid at all locations
  • Member Exclusive Rewards Program! Earn 5 percent of your membership back in rewards dollars to spend on any product or service at Soleil Tans.
  • Friends tan for free passes!

Our Member Guarantee:

  • Low one time enrollment fee!
  • No long term contracts – cancel anytime!


Luxury All

$ 79
  • Unlimited of UV Tanning, Sunless Spray Tanning, or our Spa services which includes Red Light Therapy, Sauna Pods, and Massage Chairs!
  • 20 percent discount on all products
  • You can freeze your account as long as you need if necessary.
  • $49 one time enrollment fee

Luxury One

$ 19
  • One treatment per month, choose from: UV Tanning, Sunless Spray Tanning, or Spa services! (Red Light Therapy, Sauna Pods, and Massage Chairs!)
  • 15 percent discount on all products
  • Unused Sessions Rollover
  • You can freeze your account as long as you need if necessary.
  • $29 one time enrollment fee

So which membership is right for you?

Luxury All is perfect if you plan on coming in three times or more per month, if that is you, then this membership will be the best value.

Luxury One is perfect if you plan on coming in just once or twice per month. Not many people stay on this plan, once they see all we have to offer our guests tend to come in at least once a week.

Try us out free! Click below for a free tan, spay or spa service:

Walk In Pricing

Sun Service

$ 35

Spray Service

$ 35

Spa Service

$ 35
  • Red Light, Sauna, or Massage
Fill Out The Form Below to Talk to Us About Membership Options